Close This Window1S Megan Miller (NWC) lost to Ren Barton 0 6; 0 - 6.
2S Rebekah Aldrich (NWC) lost to Louisa Mathias - 0 6; 0 6.
3S Isabel OToole (NWC) lost to Tanvi Arora 1 6; 0 6.
4S Elise Reneson (NWC) lost to Ellie Land 0 6; 0 6.
1D Kathy Roqueza & Kelly Roqueza (NWC) lost to Reese Montming & Amalia Alexander 1 6; 1 6.
2D Emma Winters & Charlotte Nolan (NWC) lost to Tanvi Raman & Maya Corrie 1 6; 1 6.
3D Gloria Udoumoh& Annie Kaliden (NWC) lost Aisha Alam & Meri Kessler 0 6; 0 6.
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