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Saturday, October 26, 3:40 p.m. at Wickham Park

                           TEAM Results by PLACE
  1. Glastonbury            
            6    7    9   13   16  (27) (74) =    51
         Allison McArdle, Gaelyn Kattman, Kaitlyn Hebert, Kristen Arborio,
         Kaylee Stebbins, Kathryn Hastings, Sara Wilcox
  2. Ridgefield             
            2   10   14   19   26  (64) (68) =    71
         Laura Hergenrother, Hannah Fleming, Melissa Budicini, Hannah
         Mercorella, Haley Greene, Megan Schellong, Emma Hergenrother
  3. Conard                 
            3   11   17   21   28  (76)(102) =    80
         Elizabeth Lagoy, Shea Williams, Randa Griffin, Alana Waggoner,
         Margaret Byrne, Jamin Margaret, Olivia Bourquin
  4. Simsbury               
            5   12   22   23   24  (25) (61) =    86
         Sarah Mattison, Caroline Smith, Abigail Hotaling, Sarah Soja, Haley
         Denninger, Julie Longfritz, Ashley Meuser
  5. Staples                
            1    4   30   32   33  (35) (47) =   100
         Hannah Debalsi, Erica Hefnawy, Angelee Parmar, Erin Munley, Katharine
         Smith, Elisabeth French, Caroline Koenig
  6. Amity                  
            8   34   42   80   81 (103)(113) =   245
         Emily Criscuolo, Lisa Gorham, Melissa Taggart, Sarah Stein, Claire
         Pite, Julia Forbes, Marina Tomei
  7. Southington            
           41   49   51   52   62  (72) (94) =   255
         Lauren Perkowski, Gabrielle Napoli, Amanda Hamel, Catherine Myers,
         Aliza Rodriguez, Margaret Meehan, Raquel Romano
  8. Cheshire               
           20   45   60   66   71  (86) (92) =   262
         Natalie Wickenheisser, Erin Strahley, Camille Lewis, Elizabeth
         Cunningham, Kimberly Grove, Kelley Jefferis, Maya Kreidwise
  9. Trumbull               
           40   50   53   69   70  (93)(110) =   282
         Kate Romanchick, Julia Provenzano, Olivia Nestro, Rebecca Buck, Emily
         Tinnesz, Michelle Hesse, Paige Haviland
 10. Newtown                
           15   43   48   88   99 (118)(119) =   293
         Brianne Moulder, Hannah Schwartz, Sarah Mawdsley, Kelly Coughlin,
         Kiera Elkow, Anna Pinckney, Kathryn D'Alessandro
 11. Hamden                 
           37   39   55   65  114 (126)(130) =   310
         Abby Lieberman, Nicole Wilkes, Ashley Cambisaca, Rebecca Flores-Vitti,
         Amelia Lewis, Isabella Mongillo, Maggie O'Donnell
 12. Shelton                
           29   36   56   98  105 (122)(123) =   324
         Joelle Schumacher, Virginia Lewis, Johnna Bakalar, Kayla Sekelsky,
         Sarah Scuilla, Courtney Russo, Nikki Vartuli
 13. Greenwich              
           31   58   75   82   87  (90)(100) =   333
         Amy Wyle, Sarah Callahan, Jennnifer Goggin, Daryl Kennedy, Emily Hunt,
         Emma Fountain, Kana Jitsuno
 14. Norwich Free Academy   
           46   59   79   84   89  (97)(108) =   357
         Alyssa Field, Lindsay Sylvia, Evelyn Cournoyer, Samantha Trombley,
         Kelsie Hall, Henley Smith, Erica Traini
 15. Danbury                
           38   63   83   85   95 (106)(107) =   364
         Brittany Kenyon, Sarah Krate, Kaleigh Constantine, Kerry Moore,
         Abigail Llanos, Kylie Schultz, Norelis Collado
 16. New Milford            
           18   54  104  111  112 (115)(116) =   399
         Greer Kramer, Nicole McCarthy, Meghan Perry, Julia Malumphy, Alexis
         Kersten, Kelly Flynn, Emily Shiffman
 17. Fairfield Ludlowe      
           57   77   78   96  101 (109)(117) =   409
         Kelly Walsh, Samantha Rossi, Kristen Chen, Anna Leatherwood, Francesca
         Barucci, Julia Von Ehr, Mary Kate Brown
 18. Manchester             
           44   67   91  120  124 (127)(129) =   446
         Rachael Suhie, Anna Maloney, Khylie Hill, Natalie Pacheco, Julia Parda,
         Shaylee Sadosky, Clare Farrell
 19. Stamford               
           73  121  125  128  131            =   578
         Megan Rule, Marilyn Diaz, Mollie Rutz, Isabella Husu, Olivia Wilder

                           TEAM Results by TIME
   1.  Staples                
            17:41   19:22   20:57   20:58   20:59 (  21:07) (  21:33) = 1:39:57
         Hannah Debalsi, Erica Hefnawy, Angelee Parmar, Erin Munley, Katharine
         Smith, Elisabeth French, Caroline Koenig
   2.  Glastonbury            
            19:34   19:41   19:58   20:14   20:32 (  20:55) (  22:15) = 1:39:59
         Allison McArdle, Gaelyn Kattman, Kaitlyn Hebert, Kristen Arborio,
         Kaylee Stebbins, Kathryn Hastings, Sara Wilcox
   3.  Ridgefield             
            19:11   20:02   20:16   20:40   20:54 (  21:59) (  22:03) = 1:41:03
         Laura Hergenrother, Hannah Fleming, Melissa Budicini, Hannah
         Mercorella, Haley Greene, Megan Schellong, Emma Hergenrother
   4.  Conard                 
            19:20   20:09   20:35   20:45   20:56 (  22:24) (  23:15) = 1:41:45
         Elizabeth Lagoy, Shea Williams, Randa Griffin, Alana Waggoner,
         Margaret Byrne, Jamin Margaret, Olivia Bourquin
   5.  Simsbury               
            19:26   20:13   20:46   20:47   20:49 (  20:53) (  21:53) = 1:42:01
         Sarah Mattison, Caroline Smith, Abigail Hotaling, Sarah Soja, Haley
         Denninger, Julie Longfritz, Ashley Meuser
   6.  Amity                  
            19:57   21:05   21:19   22:29   22:31 (  23:15) (  23:55) = 1:47:21
         Emily Criscuolo, Lisa Gorham, Melissa Taggart, Sarah Stein, Claire
         Pite, Julia Forbes, Marina Tomei
   7.  Cheshire               
            20:41   21:28   21:52   22:01   22:09 (  22:44) (  22:51) = 1:48:11
         Natalie Wickenheisser, Erin Strahley, Camille Lewis, Elizabeth
         Cunningham, Kimberly Grove, Kelley Jefferis, Maya Kreidwise
   8.  Southington            
            21:18   21:40   21:43   21:44   21:54 (  22:11) (  22:58) = 1:48:19
         Lauren Perkowski, Gabrielle Napoli, Amanda Hamel, Catherine Myers,
         Aliza Rodriguez, Margaret Meehan, Raquel Romano
   9.  Trumbull               
            21:18   21:41   21:45   22:05   22:06 (  22:57) (  23:38) = 1:48:55
         Kate Romanchick, Julia Provenzano, Olivia Nestro, Rebecca Buck, Emily
         Tinnesz, Michelle Hesse, Paige Haviland
  10.  Newtown                
            20:27   21:22   21:33   22:46   23:09 (  24:27) (  24:29) = 1:49:17
         Brianne Moulder, Hannah Schwartz, Sarah Mawdsley, Kelly Coughlin,
         Kiera Elkow, Anna Pinckney, Kathryn D'Alessandro
  11.  Hamden                 
            21:13   21:16   21:45   22:00   23:57 (  25:41) (  27:05) = 1:50:11
         Abby Lieberman, Nicole Wilkes, Ashley Cambisaca, Rebecca Flores-Vitti,
         Amelia Lewis, Isabella Mongillo, Maggie O'Donnell
  12.  Greenwich              
            20:58   21:50   22:18   22:32   22:44 (  22:49) (  23:10) = 1:50:22
         Amy Wyle, Sarah Callahan, Jennnifer Goggin, Daryl Kennedy, Emily Hunt,
         Emma Fountain, Kana Jitsuno
  13.  Shelton                
            20:57   21:10   21:47   23:06   23:30 (  24:57) (  25:11) = 1:50:30
         Joelle Schumacher, Virginia Lewis, Johnna Bakalar, Kayla Sekelsky,
         Sarah Scuilla, Courtney Russo, Nikki Vartuli
  14.  Norwich Free Academy   
            21:32   21:52   22:28   22:35   22:48 (  23:01) (  23:36) = 1:51:15
         Alyssa Field, Lindsay Sylvia, Evelyn Cournoyer, Samantha Trombley,
         Kelsie Hall, Henley Smith, Erica Traini
  15.  Danbury                
            21:15   21:57   22:33   22:41   23:00 (  23:31) (  23:33) = 1:51:26
         Brittany Kenyon, Sarah Krate, Kaleigh Constantine, Kerry Moore,
         Abigail Llanos, Kylie Schultz, Norelis Collado
  16.  Fairfield Ludlowe      
            21:49   22:26   22:26   23:01   23:13 (  23:37) (  24:26) = 1:52:55
         Kelly Walsh, Samantha Rossi, Kristen Chen, Anna Leatherwood, Francesca
         Barucci, Julia Von Ehr, Mary Kate Brown
  17.  New Milford            
            20:36   21:45   23:16   23:43   23:52 (  24:00) (  24:05) = 1:53:12
         Greer Kramer, Nicole McCarthy, Meghan Perry, Julia Malumphy, Alexis
         Kersten, Kelly Flynn, Emily Shiffman
  18.  Manchester             
            21:25   22:03   22:50   24:36   25:23 (  26:26) (  26:43) = 1:56:17
         Rachael Suhie, Anna Maloney, Khylie Hill, Natalie Pacheco, Julia Parda,
         Shaylee Sadosky, Clare Farrell
  19.  Stamford               
            22:12   24:40   25:36   26:27   27:24 = 2:06:19
         Megan Rule, Marilyn Diaz, Mollie Rutz, Isabella Husu, Olivia Wilder

Place TmPl Name                No.  Team                    Gr Time    Pace  
===== ==== =================== ==== ======================= == ======= ===== 
    1    1 Hannah Debalsi       320 Staples                 10   17:41  5:43 
    2      Claire Howlett       341 Westhill                12   18:03  5:50 
    3    2 Laura Hergenrother   290 Ridgefield              12   19:11  6:12 
    4    3 Elizabeth Lagoy      216 Conard                  12   19:20  6:15 
    5    4 Erica Hefnawy        322 Staples                 11   19:22  6:15 
    6    5 Sarah Mattison       303 Simsbury                12   19:26  6:17 
    7    6 Allison McArdle      239 Glastonbury             10   19:34  6:19 
    8    7 Gaelyn Kattman       238 Glastonbury              9   19:41  6:21 
    9    8 Emily Criscuolo      197 Amity                    9   19:57  6:26 
   10    9 Kaitlyn Hebert       237 Glastonbury             11   19:58  6:27 
   11   10 Hannah Fleming       287 Ridgefield              11   20:02  6:28 
   12   11 Shea Williams        218 Conard                  12   20:09  6:30 
   13   12 Caroline Smith       305 Simsbury                12   20:13  6:32 
   14   13 Kristen Arborio      235 Glastonbury             12   20:14  6:32 
   15   14 Melissa Budicini     286 Ridgefield              12   20:16  6:33 
   16   15 Brianne Moulder      274 Newtown                 12   20:27  6:36 
   17   16 Kaylee Stebbins      240 Glastonbury             10   20:32  6:38 
   18   17 Randa Griffin        215 Conard                  12   20:35  6:39 
   19   18 Greer Kramer         267 New Milford              9   20:36  6:39 
   20      Kristin Burnham      204 Brien McMahon           11   20:39  6:40 
   21   19 Hannah Mercorella    291 Ridgefield              11   20:40  6:40 
   22   20 Natalie Wickenheiss  211 Cheshire                11   20:41  6:41 
   23   21 Alana Waggoner       217 Conard                  12   20:45  6:42 
   24   22 Abigail Hotaling     301 Simsbury                12   20:46  6:42 
   25   23 Sarah Soja           306 Simsbury                10   20:47  6:43 
   26   24 Haley Denninger      300 Simsbury                12   20:49  6:43 
   27   25 Julie Longfritz      302 Simsbury                10   20:53  6:44 
   28   26 Haley Greene         288 Ridgefield               9   20:54  6:45 
   29   27 Kathryn Hastings     236 Glastonbury             10   20:55  6:45 
   30   28 Margaret Byrne       213 Conard                  11   20:56  6:45 
   31   29 Joelle Schumacher    297 Shelton                 12   20:57  6:46 
   32   30 Angelee Parmar       325 Staples                 10   20:57  6:46 
   33   31 Amy Wyle             248 Greenwich               10   20:58  6:46 
   34   32 Erin Munley          324 Staples                 10   20:58  6:46 
   35   33 Katharine Smith      326 Staples                 10   20:59  6:46 
   36   34 Lisa Gorham          199 Amity                   11   21:05  6:49 
   37   35 Elisabeth French     321 Staples                 11   21:07  6:49 
   38   36 Virginia Lewis       295 Shelton                 10   21:10  6:50 
   39   37 Abby Lieberman       252 Hamden                  10   21:13  6:51 
   40   38 Brittany Kenyon      221 Danbury                 12   21:15  6:52 
   41   39 Nicole Wilkes        255 Hamden                  10   21:16  6:52 
   42   40 Kate Romanchick      332 Trumbull                 9   21:18  6:53 
   43   41 Lauren Perkowski     311 Southington             10   21:18  6:53 
   44   42 Melissa Taggart      202 Amity                   10   21:19  6:53 
   45   43 Hannah Schwartz      276 Newtown                 11   21:22  6:54 
   46   44 Rachael Suhie        262 Manchester              10   21:25  6:55 
   47   45 Erin Strahley        210 Cheshire                12   21:28  6:56 
   48   46 Alyssa Field         280 Norwich Free Academy    11   21:32  6:57 
   49   47 Caroline Koenig      323 Staples                 12   21:33  6:57 
   50   48 Sarah Mawdsley       273 Newtown                 10   21:33  6:58 
   51   49 Gabrielle Napoli     310 Southington             10   21:40  7:00 
   52   50 Julia Provenzano     331 Trumbull                11   21:41  7:00 
   53   51 Amanda Hamel         307 Southington             11   21:43  7:01 
   54   52 Catherine Myers      309 Southington              9   21:44  7:01 
   55   53 Olivia Nestro        330 Trumbull                12   21:45  7:01 
   56   54 Nicole McCarthy      268 New Milford             11   21:45  7:01 
   57   55 Ashley Cambisaca     249 Hamden                  12   21:45  7:01 
   58      Claire Turner        278 Norwalk                 12   21:47  7:02 
   59   56 Johnna Bakalar       293 Shelton                 11   21:47  7:02 
   60   57 Kelly Walsh          234 Fairfield Ludlowe       11   21:49  7:03 
   61   58 Sarah Callahan       242 Greenwich                9   21:50  7:03 
   62   59 Lindsay Sylvia       283 Norwich Free Academy     9   21:52  7:03 
   63   60 Camille Lewis        209 Cheshire                 9   21:52  7:04 
   64   61 Ashley Meuser        304 Simsbury                11   21:53  7:04 
   65   62 Aliza Rodriguez      312 Southington              9   21:54  7:04 
   66   63 Sarah Krate          222 Danbury                 11   21:57  7:05 
   67   64 Megan Schellong      292 Ridgefield              12   21:59  7:06 
   68   65 Rebecca Flores-Vitt  250 Hamden                  10   22:00  7:06 
   69   66 Elizabeth Cunningha  205 Cheshire                11   22:01  7:07 
   70   67 Anna Maloney         258 Manchester              11   22:03  7:07 
   71   68 Emma Hergenrother    289 Ridgefield              10   22:03  7:07 
   72   69 Rebecca Buck         327 Trumbull                12   22:05  7:08 
   73   70 Emily Tinnesz        333 Trumbull                 9   22:06  7:08 
   74   71 Kimberly Grove       206 Cheshire                12   22:09  7:09 
   75   72 Margaret Meehan      308 Southington              9   22:11  7:10 
   76   73 Megan Rule           317 Stamford                11   22:12  7:10 
   77   74 Sara Wilcox          241 Glastonbury             10   22:15  7:11 
   78   75 Jennnifer Goggin     244 Greenwich               11   22:18  7:12 
   79   76 Jamin Margaret       214 Conard                  11   22:24  7:14 
   80   77 Samantha Rossi       232 Fairfield Ludlowe       10   22:26  7:14 
   81   78 Kristen Chen         230 Fairfield Ludlowe        9   22:26  7:15 
   82   79 Evelyn Cournoyer     279 Norwich Free Academy    11   22:28  7:15 
   83   80 Sarah Stein          201 Amity                   11   22:29  7:15 
   84   81 Claire Pite          200 Amity                   12   22:31  7:16 
   85   82 Daryl Kennedy        247 Greenwich               11   22:32  7:17 
   86   83 Kaleigh Constantine  220 Danbury                 12   22:33  7:17 
   87   84 Samantha Trombley    285 Norwich Free Academy    12   22:35  7:18 
   88   85 Kerry Moore          224 Danbury                 12   22:41  7:19 
   89   86 Kelley Jefferis      207 Cheshire                12   22:44  7:20 
   90   87 Emily Hunt           245 Greenwich               11   22:44  7:20 
   91   88 Kelly Coughlin       270 Newtown                 11   22:46  7:21 
   92   89 Kelsie Hall          281 Norwich Free Academy     9   22:48  7:22 
   93   90 Emma Fountain        243 Greenwich               11   22:49  7:22 
   94   91 Khylie Hill          257 Manchester              11   22:50  7:22 
   95   92 Maya Kreidwise       208 Cheshire                 9   22:51  7:23 
   96      Alison Ambrosecchio  340 Westhill                11   22:54  7:24 
   97   93 Michelle Hesse       329 Trumbull                12   22:57  7:24 
   98   94 Raquel Romano        313 Southington             11   22:58  7:25 
   99   95 Abigail Llanos       223 Danbury                 11   23:00  7:25 
  100   96 Anna Leatherwood     231 Fairfield Ludlowe       10   23:01  7:26 
  101   97 Henley Smith         282 Norwich Free Academy    11   23:01  7:26 
  102   98 Kayla Sekelsky       299 Shelton                  9   23:06  7:28 
  103   99 Kiera Elkow          272 Newtown                 12   23:09  7:28 
  104  100 Kana Jitsuno         246 Greenwich               12   23:10  7:29 
  105  101 Francesca Barucci    228 Fairfield Ludlowe       10   23:13  7:30 
  106  102 Olivia Bourquin      212 Conard                  12   23:15  7:30 
  107  103 Julia Forbes         198 Amity                   11   23:15  7:30 
  108  104 Meghan Perry         269 New Milford             10   23:16  7:31 
  109  105 Sarah Scuilla        298 Shelton                 11   23:30  7:35 
  110  106 Kylie Schultz        225 Danbury                 12   23:31  7:35 
  111  107 Norelis Collado      219 Danbury                 12   23:33  7:36 
  112  108 Erica Traini         284 Norwich Free Academy    11   23:36  7:37 
  113      Isabelle Yick        342 Westhill                11   23:37  7:37 
  114  109 Julia Von Ehr        233 Fairfield Ludlowe       12   23:37  7:38 
  115  110 Paige Haviland       328 Trumbull                12   23:38  7:38 
  116  111 Julia Malumphy       263 New Milford             10   23:43  7:39 
  117  112 Alexis Kersten       266 New Milford             12   23:52  7:42 
  118  113 Marina Tomei         203 Amity                   12   23:55  7:43 
  119  114 Amelia Lewis         251 Hamden                   9   23:57  7:44 
  120  115 Kelly Flynn          264 New Milford              9   24:00  7:45 
  121  116 Emily Shiffman       265 New Milford             10   24:05  7:47 
  122  117 Mary Kate Brown      229 Fairfield Ludlowe       11   24:26  7:53 
  123  118 Anna Pinckney        275 Newtown                 11   24:27  7:54 
  124  119 Kathryn D'Alessandr  271 Newtown                 12   24:29  7:54 
  125  120 Natalie Pacheco      259 Manchester              10   24:36  7:57 
  126  121 Marilyn Diaz         314 Stamford                12   24:40  7:58 
  127  122 Courtney Russo       296 Shelton                 10   24:57  8:03 
  128  123 Nikki Vartuli        294 Shelton                 10   25:11  8:08 
  129  124 Julia Parda          260 Manchester               9   25:23  8:12 
  130  125 Mollie Rutz          318 Stamford                 9   25:36  8:16 
  131  126 Isabella Mongillo    253 Hamden                  11   25:41  8:18 
  132  127 Shaylee Sadosky      261 Manchester              11   26:26  8:32 
  133  128 Isabella Husu        315 Stamford                11   26:27  8:32 
  134  129 Clare Farrell        256 Manchester               9   26:43  8:37 
  135  130 Maggie O'Donnell     254 Hamden                  11   27:05  8:45 
  136      Adriana Sowell       227 East Hartford           10   27:18  8:49 
  137  131 Olivia Wilder        319 Stamford                10   27:24  8:51 
  138      Kelly Sullivan       339 West Haven              11   28:37  9:14 
  139      Alexis Goodhue       336 West Haven              12   32:04 10:21 
  140      Caitlin Oberempt     338 West Haven              10   32:22 10:27 
  141      Yalda Jabarkhyl      337 West Haven              11   32:45 10:34