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Boys Basketball Unofficial Rankings

Power Points: One point for each win by each opponent beaten

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School Pct. Wins Losses Pwr.
Record Breakdown
Notre Dame-West Haven 1.000 20 0 189 Wins: Bunnell (15w), West Haven (14w), Shelton (3w), Holy Cross (16w), St. Joseph (Metuchen, NJ) (w), Bishop Guertin (NH) (w), Foran (12w), Daniel Hand (14w), Hamden (12w), Ffld.Prep (4w), Wilbur Cross (4w), Xavier (16w), West Haven (14w), Shelton (3w), Foran (12w), Daniel Hand (14w), Hamden (12w), Ffld.Prep (4w), Wilbur Cross (4w), Xavier (16w)
Remaining: North Haven (2/24,12w), Daniel Hand (2/26,14w)
Ridgefield .950 19 1 207 Wins: Abbott Tech (7w), Danbury (13w), Westhill (3w), ND-Ffld (18w), Staples (15w), Bridg.Central (1w), Windsor (17w), St. Joseph (11w), Norwalk (10w), Stamford (15w), Ffld.Warde (13w), McMahon (6w), Wilton (13w), Ffld.Ludlowe (12w), Danbury (13w), Greenwich (8w), Trumbull (17w), Darien (7w), New Canaan (8w)
Losses: St. Bernard
Kolbe Cathedral .950 19 1 204 Wins: Norwalk (10w), Stamford (15w), Crosby (15w), Hillhouse (15w), Cheney Tech (17w), Bunnell (15w), Barlow (3w), Bethel (5w), Immaculate (10w), Masuk (11w), Stratford (3w), New.Fair. (12w), Brookfield (12w), Newtown (13w), Kennedy (6w), Pomperaug (10w), Crosby (15w), Weston (13w), New Milford (4w)
Losses: ND-Ffld
Notre Dame-Fairfield .947 18 1 154 Wins: St. Joseph (11w), Ffld.Warde (13w), Ffld.Ludlowe (12w), Pomperaug (10w), Masuk (11w), New.Fair. (12w), Bassick (3w), Newtown (13w), Bethel (5w), Barlow (3w), Brookfield (12w), John Bowen (NY) (w), Weston (13w), New Milford (4w), Kolbe (19w), Paramus Catholic (NJ) (w), Stratford (3w), Immaculate (10w)
Losses: Ridgefield
Remaining: Wolcott Tech (1/30,11w)
East Catholic .900 18 2 183 Wins: Middletown (10w), St. Bernard (13w), Brist.Cent. (4w), S.Windsor (8w), Boston English (MA) (w), Manchester (18w), Conard (15w), Bloomfield (7w), Tolland (8w), RHAM (12w), Farmington (14w), Platt (6w), E.Hartford (8w), E.O. Smith (9w), St. Bernard (13w), Enfield (9w), NW Catholic (17w), RHAM (12w)
Losses: Christ The King (NY), Windsor
Remaining: Conard (2/24,15w), Conard (2/24,15w), Newington (2/27,11w)
Morgan .900 18 2 167 Wins: Cromwell (18w), H-K (13w), East Hampton (11w), Old Saybrook (5w), Wheeler (14w), N.Branford (5w), Valley Reg. (4w), Old Lyme (15w), Waterford (8w), Westbrook (1w), Hale Ray (7w), Portland (7w), H-K (13w), East Hampton (11w), N.Branford (5w), Valley Reg. (4w), East Lyme (12w), Daniel Hand (14w)
Losses: Coginchaug, Cromwell
Cromwell .900 18 2 165 Wins: N.Branford (5w), Valley Reg. (4w), Rockville (12w), East Hampton (11w), H-K (13w), Portland (7w), Old Lyme (15w), Hale Ray (7w), Old Saybrook (5w), Coginchaug (12w), Avon (4w), Morgan (18w), N.Branford (5w), Valley Reg. (4w), East Hampton (11w), H-K (13w), Westbrook (1w), Innovation (18w)
Losses: Morgan, SMSA
Manchester .900 18 2 161 Wins: Simsbury (6w), Platt (6w), Tolland (8w), Wright Tech (0w), Whitney Tech (9w), Newington (11w), Lewis Mills (15w), RHAM (12w), Windham (8w), E.Hartford (8w), Hall (11w), S.Windsor (8w), Cheney Tech (17w), Enfield (9w), E.O. Smith (9w), Brist.Cent. (4w), RHAM (12w), E.Hartford (8w)
Losses: E.Catholic, Conard
Remaining: Farmington (2/24,14w)
Innovation .900 18 2 157 Wins: Goodwin Tech (14w), International (3w), Aerospace (12w), HMTCA (9w), Comp Sci (2w), Bulkeley (5w), Classical (14w), SMSA (17w), Weaver (16w), University (8w), Capital Prep (9w), Achievement First (1w), Bulkeley (5w), International (3w), Aerospace (12w), HMTCA (9w), Comp Sci (2w), Weaver (16w)
Losses: Farmington, Cromwell
St. Bernard .867 13 2 150 Wins: Cheney Tech (17w), Waterford (8w), Malden Catholic (MA) (w), Ridgefield (19w), East Lyme (12w), New London (16w), Fitch (13w), NFA (10w), Staples (15w), Immaculate (10w), Windham (8w), Fitch (13w), Woodstock (9w)
Losses: E.Catholic, Windsor
Remaining: Windsor (12/30,17w), East Lyme (2/2,12w), E.Catholic (2/6,18w), New London (2/9,16w), NFA (2/16,10w), Killingly (2/19,10w)
Windsor .850 17 3 173 Wins: Conard (15w), New London (16w), Lewis Mills (15w), Newington (11w), Brockton (MA) (w), St. Bernard (13w), Hartford Pub. (3w), Platt (6w), New Britain (17w), Newington (11w), NW Catholic (17w), Bloomfield (7w), Rocky Hill (4w), Wethersfield (3w), Middletown (10w), E.Catholic (18w), Bloomfield (7w)
Losses: North (MA), Ridgefield, Farmington
Remaining: St. Bernard (12/30,13w), Brist.East. (2/24,16w), Brist.East. (2/24,16w)
SMSA .850 17 3 171 Wins: Cromwell (18w), Prince (5w), Law (4w), Granby (10w), Rockville (12w), Suffield (11w), Somers (13w), East Windsor (12w), Coventry (12w), Bolton (1w), Stafford (8w), Wind.Locks (14w), Canton (5w), Stonington (14w), East Granby (7w), Northwestern (14w), East Hampton (11w)
Losses: Cheney Tech, Ellington, Innovation
Northwest Catholic .850 17 3 154 Wins: LaSalle Academy (RI) (w), Hillhouse (15w), RHAM (12w), Conard (15w), Hall (11w), Bloomfield (7w), Farmington (14w), Pope Francis (MA) (w), Simsbury (6w), Platt (6w), Amistad (6w), Farmington (14w), Avon (4w), Glastonbury (13w), Brist.Cent. (4w), Middletown (10w), Southington (17w)
Losses: Windsor, Conard, E.Catholic
Remaining: Newington (2/24,11w)
Cheney Tech .850 17 3 151 Wins: Windham Tech (14w), SMSA (17w), Goodwin Tech (14w), Vinal Tech (3w), Woodstock (9w), Hartford Pub. (3w), Prince (5w), Glastonbury (13w), Avon (4w), Ellis Tech (3w), Goodwin Tech (14w), Vinal Tech (3w), Prince (5w), Norwich Tech (9w), Grasso Tech (10w), Enfield (9w), Ellington (16w)
Losses: St. Bernard, Kolbe, Manchester
Southington .850 17 3 142 Wins: New Britain (17w), Plainville (10w), Glastonbury (13w), Windham Tech (14w), Hartford Pub. (3w), Maloney (8w), Berlin (8w), E.O. Smith (9w), Cheshire (3w), Enfield (9w), Wethersfield (3w), Avon (4w), Brist.Cent. (4w), Farmington (14w), Simsbury (6w), Avon (4w), Glastonbury (13w)
Losses: Conard, Hall, NW Catholic
Trumbull .850 17 3 139 Wins: Masuk (11w), Amistad (6w), Barlow (3w), Law (4w), Harding (8w), Westhill (3w), Danbury (13w), McMahon (6w), Wilton (13w), Bridg.Central (1w), Darien (7w), Greenwich (8w), St. Joseph (11w), Norwalk (10w), Staples (15w), New Canaan (8w), Ffld.Ludlowe (12w)
Losses: Ffld.Warde, Stamford, Ridgefield
Nonnewaug .850 17 3 123 Wins: Wamogo (13w), Housatonic (3w), Oxford (4w), Shepaug (15w), Thomaston (11w), Terryville (9w), Gilbert (0w), Housatonic (3w), Litchfield (9w), Northwestern (14w), Shepaug (15w), Thomaston (11w), Watertown (2w), Terryville (9w), O'Brien (4w), Gilbert (0w), Wolcott (1w)
Losses: Litchfield, Northwestern, Wamogo
New Britain .850 17 3 109 Wins: S.Windsor (8w), Hartford Pub. (3w), Ledyard (3w), Newington (11w), Wethersfield (3w), Prince (5w), Goodwin Tech (14w), Maloney (8w), Avon (4w), Wethersfield (3w), Tolland (8w), Bloomfield (7w), Bassick (3w), Harding (8w), Berlin (8w), Enfield (9w), Rocky Hill (4w)
Losses: Southington, Glastonbury, Windsor
WCA .800 16 4 159 Wins: Watertown (2w), Naugatuck (10w), Oxford (4w), Kennedy (6w), St.Paul (13w), Ansonia (11w), Seymour (14w), Crosby (15w), Wolcott (1w), Derby (4w), Torrington (11w), Wilby (16w), Holy Cross (16w), Crosby (15w), Naugatuck (10w), Torrington (11w)
Losses: Bloomfield, Danbury, Holy Cross, Woodland
Ellington .800 16 4 157 Wins: Granby (10w), Suffield (11w), Lyman Mem. (5w), Woodstock (9w), Portland (7w), Suffield (11w), SMSA (17w), Stafford (8w), Somers (13w), East Granby (7w), Canton (5w), Bolton (1w), Coventry (12w), Shepaug (15w), East Windsor (12w), Wheeler (14w)
Losses: Rockville, Wind.Locks, Granby, Cheney Tech
Holy Cross .800 16 4 153 Wins: Watertown (2w), Kennedy (6w), Seymour (14w), Wolcott (1w), Wilby (16w), Torrington (11w), WCA (16w), Woodland (9w), Derby (4w), Ansonia (11w), Naugatuck (10w), St.Paul (13w), Oxford (4w), Naugatuck (10w), Crosby (15w), Torrington (11w)
Losses: Crosby, ND-WH, Conard, WCA
Remaining: Naugatuck (2/24,10w), Crosby (2/26,15w)
Xavier .800 16 4 123 Wins: Guilford (9w), Ffld.Prep (4w), Hamden (12w), Berlin (8w), Shelton (3w), Law (4w), Foran (12w), Brist.Cent. (4w), Ffld.Prep (4w), E.Hartford (8w), Hamden (12w), Shelton (3w), Law (4w), Hillhouse (15w), Foran (12w), Guilford (9w)
Losses: Glastonbury, Hillhouse, ND-WH, ND-WH
New London .800 16 4 117 Wins: East Lyme (12w), Classical (RI) (w), Woodstock (9w), Bloomfield (7w), Mt. Pleasant (RI) (w), NFA (10w), Bacon Acad. (8w), E.Hartford (8w), Ffld.Prep (4w), East Lyme (12w), Killingly (10w), Windham (8w), NFA (10w), Ledyard (3w), Bassick (3w), Fitch (13w)
Losses: Windsor, St. Bernard, Fitch, St. Bernard
Remaining: Bloomfield (12/29,7w)
Wilby .800 16 4 111 Wins: Ansonia (11w), Seymour (14w), Kennedy (6w), Derby (4w), Woodland (9w), Watertown (2w), Wolcott (1w), Torrington (11w), St.Paul (13w), Oxford (4w), Harding (8w), Watertown (2w), Woodland (9w), Kaynor Tech (9w), Derby (4w), Oxford (4w)
Losses: Naugatuck, Holy Cross, Crosby, WCA
Weaver .800 16 4 109 Wins: University (8w), Bulkeley (5w), Achievement First (1w), Classical (14w), Capital Prep (9w), Aerospace (12w), Comp Sci (2w), Hartford Pub. (3w), HMTCA (9w), International (3w), University (8w), Bulkeley (5w), Achievement First (1w), Classical (14w), Capital Prep (9w), Kennedy (6w)
Losses: Conard, Innovation, Bloomfield, Innovation
Bristol Eastern .800 16 4 107 Wins: Plainville (10w), Enfield (9w), Platt (6w), Brist.Cent. (4w), Tolland (8w), Rocky Hill (4w), Maloney (8w), Maloney (8w), Hartford Pub. (3w), Plainville (10w), Rocky Hill (4w), Berlin (8w), Middletown (10w), Watertown (2w), E.O. Smith (9w), Brist.Cent. (4w)
Losses: Simsbury, Lewis Mills, Berlin, S.Windsor
Remaining: Windsor (2/24,17w), Windsor (2/24,17w)
Lewis Mills .789 15 4 119 Wins: Middletown (10w), Canton (5w), Suffield (11w), Brist.East. (16w), Brist.Cent. (4w), Berlin (8w), Vinal Tech (3w), Simsbury (6w), RHAM (12w), Platt (6w), Litchfield (9w), Maloney (8w), Brist.Cent. (4w), Bloomfield (7w), Plainville (10w)
Losses: E.Hartford, Windsor, Manchester, Hall
Remaining: Newington (2/20,11w)
Conard .750 15 5 168 Wins: Simsbury (6w), Southington (17w), Farmington (14w), Weaver (16w), Manchester (18w), NW Catholic (17w), Middletown (10w), Simsbury (6w), Holy Cross (16w), Glastonbury (13w), Avon (4w), Portland (7w), Platt (6w), Bloomfield (7w), Hall (11w)
Losses: Farmington, Windsor, NW Catholic, E.Catholic, Hall
Remaining: E.Catholic (2/24,18w), E.Catholic (2/24,18w)
Stamford .750 15 5 144 Wins: Amistad (6w), Pomperaug (10w), Weston (13w), New.Fair. (12w), St. Joseph (11w), McMahon (6w), Bridg.Central (1w), Darien (7w), Staples (15w), New Canaan (8w), Westhill (3w), Trumbull (17w), Ffld.Ludlowe (12w), Ffld.Warde (13w), Norwalk (10w)
Losses: Kolbe, Ridgefield, Danbury, Greenwich, Wilton
Crosby .750 15 5 138 Wins: Naugatuck (10w), Holy Cross (16w), Derby (4w), St.Paul (13w), Torrington (11w), Ansonia (11w), Seymour (14w), Wolcott (1w), Wilby (16w), Oxford (4w), Watertown (2w), Kennedy (6w), Woodland (9w), Torrington (11w), Naugatuck (10w)
Losses: Kolbe, WCA, Kolbe, WCA, Holy Cross
Remaining: Holy Cross (2/26,16w)
Staples .750 15 5 135 Wins: Newtown (13w), West Haven (14w), Immaculate (10w), New Canaan (8w), McMahon (6w), Darien (7w), Greenwich (8w), Wilton (13w), Bridg.Central (1w), Ffld.Warde (13w), Ffld.Ludlowe (12w), Danbury (13w), Bassick (3w), St. Joseph (11w), Westhill (3w)
Losses: Ridgefield, St. Bernard, Norwalk, Stamford, Trumbull
Shepaug Valley .750 15 5 125 Wins: Northwestern (14w), Thomaston (11w), Coginchaug (12w), Kaynor Tech (9w), Gilbert (0w), Housatonic (3w), Northwestern (14w), Litchfield (9w), Thomaston (11w), Terryville (9w), Gilbert (0w), Harding (8w), Wamogo (13w), Housatonic (3w), Litchfield (9w)
Losses: Terryville, Nonnewaug, Wamogo, Nonnewaug, Ellington
Bunnell .750 15 5 119 Wins: Amistad (6w), Stratford (3w), Masuk (11w), Greenwich (8w), New.Fair. (12w), Brookfield (12w), Newtown (13w), Weston (13w), New Milford (4w), Immaculate (10w), Barlow (3w), Stratford (3w), Bethel (5w), Pomperaug (10w), Amistad (6w)
Losses: ND-WH, Kolbe, Masuk, ND-Ffld, Ffld.Warde
Hillhouse .750 15 5 112 Wins: Wilbur Cross (4w), West Haven (14w), Guilford (9w), North Haven (12w), Xavier (16w), Lyman Hall (1w), Law (4w), Ffld.Prep (4w), Wilbur Cross (4w), West Haven (14w), North Haven (12w), Guilford (9w), Lyman Hall (1w), Ffld.Prep (4w), Law (4w)
Losses: NW Catholic, North (MA), Kolbe, Doherty Memorial (MA), Xavier
Remaining: Amity (2/22,9w), East Haven (2/24,15w), West Haven (2/26,14w)
East Haven .750 15 5 110 Wins: Branford (9w), Derby (4w), Daniel Hand (14w), Career (10w), Shelton (3w), Whitney Tech (9w), Amity (9w), Cheshire (3w), North Haven (12w), Law (4w), Shelton (3w), Career (10w), Lyman Hall (1w), Amity (9w), Grasso Tech (10w)
Losses: Law, Branford, Daniel Hand, North Haven, Cheshire
Remaining: Hillhouse (2/24,15w)
Old Lyme .750 15 5 92 Wins: Portland (7w), Norwich Tech (9w), Hale Ray (7w), Westbrook (1w), Old Saybrook (5w), Coginchaug (12w), Valley Reg. (4w), Portland (7w), Hale Ray (7w), Westbrook (1w), Old Saybrook (5w), Coginchaug (12w), Montville (4w), Putnam (6w), N.Branford (5w)
Losses: Woodstock, H-K, Cromwell, Morgan, East Hampton
Windsor Locks .737 14 5 128 Wins: Achievement First (1w), Rockville (12w), Wethersfield (3w), Suffield (11w), Coventry (12w), East Windsor (12w), East Granby (7w), Granby (10w), Canton (5w), Bolton (1w), Ellington (16w), Somers (13w), Suffield (11w), Windham Tech (14w)
Losses: St.Paul, Rockville, Thomaston, S.Windsor, SMSA
Remaining: Stafford (2/16,8w)
Wheeler .737 14 5 109 Wins: Putnam (6w), Bacon Acad. (8w), Branford (9w), Tourtellotte (11w), Lyman Mem. (5w), Guilford (9w), Plainfield (8w), Waterford (8w), Ledyard (3w), Putnam (6w), Tourtellotte (11w), Griswold (12w), Lyman Mem. (5w), Plainfield (8w)
Losses: New Milford, Morgan, Killingly, Stonington, Somers
Remaining: Ellington (2/19,16w)
Farmington .700 14 6 140 Wins: Conard (15w), Hall (11w), Simsbury (6w), Enfield (9w), Innovation (18w), Middletown (10w), Granby (10w), Windsor (17w), Berlin (8w), Hall (11w), E.Hartford (8w), Bloomfield (7w), Platt (6w), Avon (4w)
Losses: Glastonbury, NW Catholic, Conard, E.Catholic, NW Catholic, Southington
Remaining: Manchester (2/24,18w)
Daniel Hand .700 14 6 119 Wins: Wilton (13w), Platt (6w), Career (10w), Guilford (9w), Amity (9w), Ffld.Prep (4w), Law (4w), Fitch (13w), Guilford (9w), East Haven (15w), Career (10w), Amity (9w), Ffld.Prep (4w), Law (4w)
Losses: East Haven, ND-WH, Wilbur Cross, ND-WH, Wilbur Cross, Morgan
Remaining: Wilbur Cross (2/24,4w), ND-WH (2/26,20w)
Northwestern .700 14 6 119 Wins: Thomaston (11w), Terryville (9w), Granby (10w), Newtown (13w), Nonnewaug (17w), Gilbert (0w), Wamogo (13w), Housatonic (3w), Litchfield (9w), Terryville (9w), Gilbert (0w), Wamogo (13w), Housatonic (3w), Litchfield (9w)
Losses: Shepaug, Shepaug, Thomaston, Nonnewaug, Pomperaug, SMSA
Remaining: Terryville (2/26,9w)
West Haven .700 14 6 115 Wins: Prince (5w), Norwalk (10w), Pomperaug (10w), Hamden (12w), Branford (9w), Ffld.Prep (4w), North Haven (12w), Amity (9w), Lyman Hall (1w), Hamden (12w), Branford (9w), North Haven (12w), Amity (9w), Lyman Hall (1w)
Losses: ND-WH, Hillhouse, Staples, ND-WH, Hillhouse, Ffld.Prep
Remaining: Career (2/22,10w), Hillhouse (2/26,15w)
Goodwin Tech .700 14 6 93 Wins: Norwich Tech (9w), Wilcox Tech (5w), Prince (5w), Platt Tech (13w), Vinal Tech (3w), Grasso Tech (10w), Prince (5w), Vinal Tech (3w), Ellis Tech (3w), Comp Sci (2w), University (8w), HMTCA (9w), Kaynor Tech (9w), Terryville (9w)
Losses: Innovation, Cheney Tech, Plainville, New Britain, Cheney Tech, Windham Tech
Stonington .700 14 6 88 Wins: Bacon Acad. (8w), Montville (4w), Lyman Mem. (5w), Chariho (RI) (w), Killingly (10w), Ledyard (3w), Putnam (6w), Scituate (RI) (w), Bacon Acad. (8w), Montville (4w), Wheeler (14w), Killingly (10w), Plainfield (8w), Waterford (8w)
Losses: Westerly (RI), East Lyme, Griswold, Fitch, SMSA, Griswold
Windham Tech .700 14 6 85 Wins: Norwich Tech (9w), Vinal Tech (3w), Bulkeley (5w), Ellis Tech (3w), Bolton (1w), Grasso Tech (10w), Vinal Tech (3w), Bull. Havens (9w), Ellis Tech (3w), Wilcox Tech (5w), Grasso Tech (10w), Goodwin Tech (14w), Prince (5w), Lyman Mem. (5w)
Losses: Cheney Tech, Southington, Rockville, Windham, Wind.Locks, Norwich Tech
Seymour .700 14 6 84 Wins: Wolcott (1w), Ansonia (11w), Naugatuck (10w), Derby (4w), Oxford (4w), Woodland (9w), Torrington (11w), Harding (8w), Watertown (2w), Kennedy (6w), Ansonia (11w), Wolcott (1w), Gilbert (0w), Kennedy (6w)
Losses: Wilby, Holy Cross, Crosby, WCA, St.Paul, St.Paul
Classical Magnet .700 14 6 83 Wins: Bulkeley (5w), Achievement First (1w), Capital Prep (9w), Abbott Tech (7w), University (8w), HMTCA (9w), HMTCA (9w), International (3w), Aerospace (12w), Bulkeley (5w), Rocky Hill (4w), Achievement First (1w), University (8w), Comp Sci (2w)
Losses: Weaver, Innovation, Capital Prep, Weaver, Branford, Wamogo
Fitch .684 13 6 109 Wins: NFA (10w), Windham (8w), Ledyard (3w), Smithfield (RI) (w), Newington (11w), Bassick (3w), East Lyme (12w), New London (16w), Stonington (14w), Harding (8w), Waterford (8w), East Lyme (12w), Valley Reg. (4w)
Losses: Wilton, St. Bernard, Daniel Hand, NFA, St. Bernard, New London
Wilton .684 13 6 104 Wins: Newtown (13w), Bassick (3w), Fitch (13w), Platt (6w), Darien (7w), Greenwich (8w), Danbury (13w), New Canaan (8w), Bridg.Central (1w), St. Joseph (11w), Westhill (3w), McMahon (6w), Ffld.Ludlowe (12w)
Losses: Daniel Hand, Ffld.Warde, Norwalk, Trumbull, Staples, Ridgefield
Remaining: Stamford (2/21,15w)
Haddam-Killingworth .684 13 6 81 Wins: East Hampton (11w), N.Branford (5w), Valley Reg. (4w), Old Lyme (15w), Vinal Tech (3w), Westbrook (1w), Old Saybrook (5w), Portland (7w), Coginchaug (12w), N.Branford (5w), Hale Ray (7w), Valley Reg. (4w), Comp Sci (2w)
Losses: Morgan, Granby, Cromwell, East Hampton, Morgan, Cromwell
Remaining: International (2/21,3w)
Platt Tech .684 13 6 74 Wins: Wright Tech (0w), Bull. Havens (9w), O'Brien (4w), Wilcox Tech (5w), Kaynor Tech (9w), Abbott Tech (7w), O'Brien (4w), Grasso Tech (10w), Lyman Hall (1w), Wilcox Tech (5w), Wright Tech (0w), Wolcott Tech (11w), Bull. Havens (9w)
Losses: Foran, Foran, Whitney Tech, Goodwin Tech, Whitney Tech, Guilford
Remaining: Bull. Havens (1/7,9w), Grasso Tech (2/22,10w)
RHAM .667 12 6 102 Wins: Coventry (12w), Brist.Cent. (4w), Enfield (9w), Tolland (8w), Bacon Acad. (8w), Suffield (11w), Hall (11w), Stafford (8w), E.O. Smith (9w), E.Hartford (8w), S.Windsor (8w), Simsbury (6w)
Losses: NW Catholic, E.Hartford, Manchester, E.Catholic, Newington, Lewis Mills
Remaining: Manchester (2/16,18w), E.Catholic (2/19,18w)
Somers .650 13 7 122 Wins: East Granby (7w), Coventry (12w), Rockville (12w), East Windsor (12w), Granby (10w), East Granby (7w), Wamogo (13w), Woodstock (9w), Bolton (1w), Canton (5w), Coventry (12w), Wheeler (14w), Tolland (8w)
Losses: Ellington, Stafford, SMSA, Rockville, Suffield, Wind.Locks, Stafford
Glastonbury .650 13 7 115 Wins: Berlin (8w), Tolland (8w), Waterford (8w), Xavier (16w), Farmington (14w), New Britain (17w), Avon (4w), S.Windsor (8w), Maloney (8w), Hall (11w), Avon (4w), Wethersfield (3w), Simsbury (6w)
Losses: Southington, NFA, Enfield, Cheney Tech, Conard, NW Catholic, Southington
Danbury .650 13 7 112 Wins: Immaculate (10w), Middletown (NY) (w), WCA (16w), New Canaan (8w), Ffld.Ludlowe (12w), Westhill (3w), McMahon (6w), Stamford (15w), Ffld.Warde (13w), Norwalk (10w), Darien (7w), Bridg.Central (1w), St. Joseph (11w)
Losses: Ridgefield, Wilbur Cross, Trumbull, Wilton, Greenwich, Ridgefield, Staples
Fairfield Warde .650 13 7 111 Wins: Harding (8w), Bassick (3w), Ffld.Prep (4w), Wilton (13w), St. Joseph (11w), Trumbull (17w), Bridg.Central (1w), New Canaan (8w), Westhill (3w), Ffld.Ludlowe (12w), Norwalk (10w), Bunnell (15w), McMahon (6w)
Losses: ND-Ffld, Ridgefield, Danbury, Staples, Darien, Stamford, Greenwich
Wamogo .650 13 7 104 Wins: Gilbert (0w), Canton (5w), Housatonic (3w), Litchfield (9w), Shepaug (15w), Thomaston (11w), Terryville (9w), Nonnewaug (17w), Gilbert (0w), Housatonic (3w), Litchfield (9w), Classical (14w), Terryville (9w)
Losses: Nonnewaug, Suffield, Northwestern, Somers, Northwestern, Shepaug, Thomaston
Newtown .650 13 7 99 Wins: Torrington (11w), Darien (7w), Bethel (5w), Greenwich (8w), Immaculate (10w), New Milford (4w), Stratford (3w), Barlow (3w), Bassick (3w), New.Fair. (12w), Masuk (11w), Pomperaug (10w), Brookfield (12w)
Losses: Wilton, Staples, Northwestern, Weston, ND-Ffld, Bunnell, Kolbe
Remaining: NW Catholic (2/24,17w)
St. Paul Catholic .650 13 7 97 Wins: Woodland (9w), Oxford (4w), Wolcott (1w), Wind.Locks (14w), Kennedy (6w), Watertown (2w), Derby (4w), Seymour (14w), Seymour (14w), Kennedy (6w), Ansonia (11w), Thomaston (11w), Wolcott (1w)
Losses: Crosby, WCA, Torrington, Wilby, Holy Cross, Ansonia, Naugatuck
Weston .650 13 7 80 Wins: McMahon (6w), Bridg.Central (1w), Harding (8w), New Milford (4w), Newtown (13w), Brookfield (12w), Immaculate (10w), Wright Tech (0w), Stratford (3w), Bethel (5w), Barlow (3w), Westhill (3w), New.Fair. (12w)
Losses: New Canaan, Stamford, Masuk, Pomperaug, Bunnell, ND-Ffld, Kolbe
Coventry .632 12 7 91 Wins: International (3w), Lyman Mem. (5w), Bolton (1w), Canton (5w), Norwich Tech (9w), Granby (10w), East Windsor (12w), Stafford (8w), East Granby (7w), Amistad (6w), Rockville (12w), Somers (13w)
Losses: RHAM, Somers, Woodstock, Wind.Locks, Suffield, SMSA, Ellington
Remaining: Bolton (2/12,1w)
Aerospace .632 12 7 66 Wins: International (3w), HMTCA (9w), S.Windsor (8w), Comp Sci (2w), Capital Prep (9w), Bulkeley (5w), Achievement First (1w), University (8w), International (3w), HMTCA (9w), Comp Sci (2w), East Granby (7w)
Losses: Innovation, Plainville, Weaver, Capital Prep, Classical, Innovation, Suffield
Rockville .600 12 8 121 Wins: Tourtellotte (11w), Windham Tech (14w), Granby (10w), Bolton (1w), Stafford (8w), Wind.Locks (14w), Ellington (16w), East Granby (7w), Somers (13w), Suffield (11w), East Windsor (12w), Avon (4w)
Losses: Suffield, Granby, Wind.Locks, Somers, Cromwell, SMSA, Canton, Coventry
Griswold .600 12 8 109 Wins: Montville (4w), Killingly (10w), Windham (8w), North Haven (12w), Stonington (14w), Tourtellotte (11w), NFA (10w), Putnam (6w), Montville (4w), Bacon Acad. (8w), Plainfield (8w), Stonington (14w)
Losses: Ledyard, Plainfield, Windham, Waterford, Woodstock, Bacon Acad., Wheeler, Killingly
Hamden .600 12 8 104 Wins: North Haven (12w), Amistad (6w), Norwalk (10w), Amity (9w), Shelton (3w), Foran (12w), Branford (9w), Amity (9w), Shelton (3w), NFA (10w), Branford (9w), Foran (12w)
Losses: Newington, Xavier, West Haven, ND-WH, North Haven, Xavier, West Haven, ND-WH
East Lyme .600 12 8 89 Wins: NFA (10w), Ledyard (3w), Montville (4w), Grasso Tech (10w), Stonington (14w), Old Saybrook (5w), Montville (4w), Woodstock (9w), Waterford (8w), Windham (8w), Waterford (8w), Amistad (6w)
Losses: New London, St. Bernard, Fitch, New London, NFA, St. Bernard, Fitch, Morgan
Brookfield .600 12 8 84 Wins: New Canaan (8w), Windham (8w), Abbott Tech (7w), East Hampton (11w), Thomaston (11w), New Milford (4w), Barlow (3w), Bethel (5w), Masuk (11w), Stratford (3w), Immaculate (10w), Barlow (3w)
Losses: New.Fair., Bunnell, Weston, New.Fair., ND-Ffld, Kolbe, Pomperaug, Newtown
Fairfield Ludlowe .600 12 8 75 Wins: Bull. Havens (9w), Bethel (5w), Barlow (3w), Ffld.Prep (4w), Bridg.Central (1w), Greenwich (8w), New Canaan (8w), Westhill (3w), McMahon (6w), Norwalk (10w), St. Joseph (11w), Darien (7w)
Losses: ND-Ffld, Danbury, Ffld.Warde, Ridgefield, Staples, Stamford, Wilton, Trumbull
Coginchaug .600 12 8 73 Wins: Westbrook (1w), N.Branford (5w), Portland (7w), Old Saybrook (5w), Lyman Hall (1w), Hale Ray (7w), Morgan (18w), East Hampton (11w), N.Branford (5w), Westbrook (1w), Portland (7w), Old Saybrook (5w)
Losses: Shepaug, Old Lyme, Valley Reg., Cromwell, H-K, Hale Ray, Old Lyme, Sheehan
Foran .600 12 8 72 Wins: Lyman Hall (1w), Platt Tech (13w), Law (4w), Sheehan (10w), Platt Tech (13w), Wright Tech (0w), Career (10w), Sheehan (10w), Shelton (3w), Law (4w), Lyman Hall (1w), Shelton (3w)
Losses: Pomperaug, ND-WH, Xavier, Hamden, ND-WH, Career, Xavier, Hamden
New Fairfield .600 12 8 67 Wins: Brookfield (12w), Hartford Pub. (3w), Bridg.Central (1w), Immaculate (10w), Stratford (3w), Brookfield (12w), Valley Reg. (4w), Bethel (5w), Barlow (3w), New Milford (4w), Abbott Tech (7w), Shelton (3w)
Losses: Stamford, Bunnell, ND-Ffld, Kolbe, Pomperaug, Newtown, Masuk, Weston
North Haven .600 12 8 64 Wins: Whitney Tech (9w), New Mission (MA) (w), Cheshire (3w), Lyman Hall (1w), Career (10w), Shelton (3w), Hamden (12w), Ffld.Prep (4w), Cheshire (3w), Lyman Hall (1w), East Haven (15w), Shelton (3w)
Losses: Hamden, Ffld.Prep, Hillhouse, Griswold, West Haven, East Haven, Hillhouse, West Haven
Remaining: ND-WH (2/24,20w)
East Windsor .600 12 8 51 Wins: Gilbert (0w), Bolton (1w), Housatonic (3w), East Granby (7w), International (3w), Comp Sci (2w), Tourtellotte (11w), Bolton (1w), Canton (5w), East Granby (7w), Granby (10w), Westbrook (1w)
Losses: Stafford, Wind.Locks, Somers, Suffield, Coventry, SMSA, Rockville, Ellington
Tourtellotte .579 11 8 67 Wins: Lyman Mem. (5w), Killingly (10w), Plainfield (8w), Ellis Tech (3w), Putnam (6w), Lyman Mem. (5w), Plainfield (8w), Montville (4w), Putnam (6w), Norwich Tech (9w), Ellis Tech (3w)
Losses: Rockville, Wheeler, Grasso Tech, East Windsor, Griswold, Norwich Tech, Bacon Acad., Wheeler
Wilbur Cross .571 4 3 30 Wins: Cheshire (3w), Danbury (13w), Sheehan (10w), Ffld.Prep (4w)
Losses: Hillhouse, Archbishop Malloy (NY), Hall
Remaining: Daniel Hand (1/12,14w), ND-WH (1/15,20w), Guilford (1/18,9w), Hillhouse (1/23,15w), Cheshire (1/26,3w), Sheehan (1/29,10w), Branford (1/31,9w), Ffld.Prep (2/2,4w), Branford (2/6,9w), Daniel Hand (2/9,14w), ND-WH (2/14,20w), Guilford (2/16,9w), Prince (2/20,5w), Daniel Hand (2/24,14w)
Suffield .550 11 9 103 Wins: Rockville (12w), Wamogo (13w), East Granby (7w), Coventry (12w), East Windsor (12w), Tolland (8w), Canton (5w), Bolton (1w), Somers (13w), Stafford (8w), Aerospace (12w)
Losses: Ellington, Wind.Locks, Lewis Mills, Ellington, RHAM, SMSA, Granby, Rockville, Wind.Locks
Hall .550 11 9 96 Wins: Newington (11w), Montville (4w), Avon (4w), Wilbur Cross (4w), Simsbury (6w), Southington (17w), Conard (15w), Brist.Cent. (4w), Waterford (8w), E.Hartford (8w), Lewis Mills (15w)
Losses: Farmington, NW Catholic, RHAM, Middletown, Manchester, Glastonbury, Simsbury, Farmington, Conard
Masuk .550 11 9 82 Wins: Kaynor Tech (9w), Shelton (3w), Bassick (3w), Darien (7w), Weston (13w), Pomperaug (10w), Bunnell (15w), New Milford (4w), Stratford (3w), New.Fair. (12w), Barlow (3w)
Losses: Trumbull, St. Joseph, Bunnell, ND-Ffld, Kolbe, Brookfield, Immaculate, Bethel, Newtown
Torrington .550 11 9 81 Wins: Derby (4w), Watertown (2w), Woodland (9w), Kennedy (6w), St.Paul (13w), Naugatuck (10w), Newington (11w), Oxford (4w), Wolcott (1w), Ansonia (11w), Naugatuck (10w)
Losses: Newtown, Crosby, Holy Cross, Seymour, Wilby, WCA, Crosby, WCA, Holy Cross
Remaining: Naugatuck (2/22,10w)
Thomaston .550 11 9 78 Wins: O'Brien (4w), Litchfield (9w), Gilbert (0w), Housatonic (3w), Litchfield (9w), Northwestern (14w), Wind.Locks (14w), Terryville (9w), Gilbert (0w), Wamogo (13w), Housatonic (3w)
Losses: Northwestern, Shepaug, Brookfield, Terryville, Nonnewaug, Wamogo, Shepaug, Nonnewaug, St.Paul
St. Joseph .550 11 9 73 Wins: Masuk (11w), Middletown (10w), Bassick (3w), Greenwich (8w), Darien (7w), Norwalk (10w), Amistad (6w), Bridg.Central (1w), Westhill (3w), McMahon (6w), New Canaan (8w)
Losses: ND-Ffld, Stamford, Ffld.Warde, Ridgefield, Ffld.Ludlowe, Trumbull, Wilton, Staples, Danbury
Newington .550 11 9 72 Wins: Hamden (12w), Cheshire (3w), Brist.Cent. (4w), Rocky Hill (4w), RHAM (12w), Simsbury (6w), Hartford Pub. (3w), Middletown (10w), Wethersfield (3w), Bloomfield (7w), E.Hartford (8w)
Losses: Hall, Bloomfield, Windsor, Fitch, New Britain, Manchester, Windsor, Torrington, Lewis Mills
Remaining: NW Catholic (2/24,17w), E.Catholic (2/27,18w)
East Hampton .550 11 9 71 Wins: Valley Reg. (4w), Canton (5w), N.Branford (5w), Hale Ray (7w), Old Saybrook (5w), Portland (7w), Westbrook (1w), H-K (13w), Valley Reg. (4w), Old Lyme (15w), N.Branford (5w)
Losses: H-K, Morgan, Brookfield, Litchfield, Cromwell, Coginchaug, Morgan, Cromwell, SMSA
Ansonia .550 11 9 54 Wins: Woodland (9w), Watertown (2w), Derby (4w), Gilbert (0w), Kennedy (6w), O'Brien (4w), Wolcott (1w), Naugatuck (10w), St.Paul (13w), Oxford (4w), Wolcott (1w)
Losses: Wilby, Seymour, Crosby, WCA, Holy Cross, Torrington, Seymour, St.Paul, Kennedy
Wolcott Tech .550 11 9 49 Wins: Whitney Tech (9w), O'Brien (4w), Housatonic (3w), Kaynor Tech (9w), Wright Tech (0w), Wilcox Tech (5w), Kaynor Tech (9w), Vinal Tech (3w), Wright Tech (0w), O'Brien (4w), Vinal Tech (3w)
Losses: Bull. Havens, Litchfield, Abbott Tech, Bull. Havens, Amity, Platt Tech, Amity, Abbott Tech, Canton
Norwich Free Academy .526 10 9 91 Wins: E.Hartford (8w), Glastonbury (13w), Windham (8w), E.O. Smith (9w), Fitch (13w), East Lyme (12w), Ledyard (3w), Woodstock (9w), Waterford (8w), Windham (8w)
Losses: Fitch, East Lyme, Lincoln (RI), New London, St. Bernard, Griswold, New London, Hamden, St. Bernard
Granby Memorial .500 10 10 85 Wins: Rockville (12w), H-K (13w), Stafford (8w), HMTCA (9w), Wethersfield (3w), Suffield (11w), East Granby (7w), Bolton (1w), Ellington (16w), Canton (5w)
Losses: Ellington, Northwestern, SMSA, Rockville, Somers, Wind.Locks, Farmington, Coventry, Simsbury, East Windsor
Pomperaug .500 10 10 82 Wins: Foran (12w), Law (4w), Stratford (3w), New Milford (4w), Barlow (3w), Weston (13w), Bethel (5w), New.Fair. (12w), Brookfield (12w), Northwestern (14w)
Losses: Stamford, Immaculate, West Haven, ND-Ffld, Masuk, Immaculate, Kolbe, Newtown, Bunnell, Amity
Killingly .500 10 10 76 Wins: Montville (4w), Lyman Mem. (5w), Bacon Acad. (8w), Wheeler (14w), Montville (4w), Plainfield (8w), Lyman Mem. (5w), Griswold (12w), Windham (8w), Bacon Acad. (8w)
Losses: Woodstock, Tourtellotte, Stonington, Griswold, Woodstock, Putnam, Waterford, New London, Stonington, St. Bernard
Norwalk .500 10 10 76 Wins: McMahon (6w), Bull. Havens (9w), Darien (7w), Wilton (13w), New Canaan (8w), Staples (15w), Westhill (3w), McMahon (6w), Greenwich (8w), Bridg.Central (1w)
Losses: Kolbe, West Haven, Hamden, Ridgefield, St. Joseph, Ffld.Ludlowe, Danbury, Trumbull, Ffld.Warde, Stamford
Middletown .500 10 10 73 Wins: E.Hartford (8w), Brist.Cent. (4w), Platt (6w), Plainville (10w), Portland (7w), Prince (5w), Hall (11w), Maloney (8w), Platt (6w), Berlin (8w)
Losses: E.Catholic, Lewis Mills, St. Joseph, Farmington, Conard, Newington, Brist.East., Windsor, NW Catholic, Bloomfield
Plainville .500 10 10 72 Wins: East Granby (7w), S.Windsor (8w), Aerospace (12w), Woodland (9w), Maloney (8w), Goodwin Tech (14w), Rocky Hill (4w), Wethersfield (3w), Brist.Cent. (4w), Hartford Pub. (3w)
Losses: Brist.East., Southington, Berlin, Platt, Middletown, Tolland, Brist.East., Maloney, E.O. Smith, Lewis Mills
Career Magnet .500 10 10 70 Wins: Sheehan (10w), Lyman Hall (1w), Amity (9w), Cheshire (3w), Harding (8w), Foran (12w), Harding (8w), Lyman Hall (1w), Amity (9w), Whitney Tech (9w)
Losses: Cheshire, East Haven, Daniel Hand, Foran, Law, North Haven, Sheehan, Daniel Hand, East Haven, Law
Remaining: West Haven (2/22,14w)
Immaculate .500 10 10 68 Wins: Abbott Tech (7w), Pomperaug (10w), Stratford (3w), Harding (8w), Barlow (3w), Masuk (11w), Pomperaug (10w), Bethel (5w), New Milford (4w), Abbott Tech (7w)
Losses: Danbury, Staples, New.Fair., Newtown, Kolbe, Weston, St. Bernard, Bunnell, Brookfield, ND-Ffld
Naugatuck .500 10 10 67 Wins: Wolcott (1w), Wilby (16w), Woodland (9w), Amistad (6w), Kennedy (6w), Oxford (4w), Watertown (2w), Derby (4w), St.Paul (13w), Amistad (6w)
Losses: Crosby, WCA, Seymour, Torrington, Holy Cross, Ansonia, Torrington, Holy Cross, WCA, Crosby
Remaining: Torrington (2/22,11w), Holy Cross (2/24,16w)
Sheehan .500 10 10 56 Wins: Lyman Hall (1w), Bull. Havens (9w), Cheshire (3w), Shelton (3w), Lyman Hall (1w), Career (10w), Cheshire (3w), Wilcox Tech (5w), Branford (9w), Coginchaug (12w)
Losses: Career, Foran, Wilbur Cross, Guilford, Foran, Branford, Shelton, Wilbur Cross, Maloney, Guilford
Grasso Tech .500 10 10 49 Wins: Prince (5w), Bolton (1w), Ellis Tech (3w), Tourtellotte (11w), Vinal Tech (3w), Ellis Tech (3w), Lyman Mem. (5w), Norwich Tech (9w), Vinal Tech (3w), Putnam (6w)
Losses: Canton, East Lyme, Norwich Tech, Windham Tech, Goodwin Tech, Platt Tech, Windham Tech, Cheney Tech, East Haven, Platt Tech
Whitney Tech .500 9 9 52 Wins: Westbrook (1w), Wilcox Tech (5w), Platt Tech (13w), O'Brien (4w), Abbott Tech (7w), Wright Tech (0w), Platt Tech (13w), O'Brien (4w), Wilcox Tech (5w)
Losses: North Haven, Wolcott Tech, Amistad, Manchester, East Haven, Amistad, Kaynor Tech, Bull. Havens, Bethel
Remaining: Career (2/20,10w), Prince (2/21,5w)
Kaynor Tech .474 9 10 42 Wins: Vinal Tech (3w), Wright Tech (0w), Wilcox Tech (5w), Bull. Havens (9w), O'Brien (4w), Wright Tech (0w), Abbott Tech (7w), Whitney Tech (9w), Wilcox Tech (5w)
Losses: Masuk, Wolcott Tech, Shepaug, Wolcott, Abbott Tech, Platt Tech, Wolcott Tech, Bull. Havens, Woodland, Wilby
Remaining: Goodwin Tech (2/21,14w), Norwich Tech (2/23,9w)
Woodstock Academy .450 9 11 81 Wins: Killingly (10w), Coventry (12w), Old Lyme (15w), Plainfield (8w), Killingly (10w), Griswold (12w), Ledyard (3w), Ledyard (3w), Bacon Acad. (8w)
Losses: Waterford, New London, Ellington, Windham, Cheney Tech, Waterford, East Lyme, St. Bernard, Somers, NFA, Windham
Branford .450 9 11 77 Wins: Old Saybrook (5w), Amity (9w), Bull. Havens (9w), Cheshire (3w), Sheehan (10w), East Haven (15w), Guilford (9w), Cheshire (3w), Classical (14w)
Losses: East Haven, Guilford, Wheeler, West Haven, Hamden, Amity, Wilbur Cross, West Haven, Wilbur Cross, Hamden, Sheehan
Guilford .450 9 11 67 Wins: Portland (7w), Branford (9w), Sheehan (10w), Cheshire (3w), Law (4w), Sheehan (10w), Law (4w), Platt Tech (13w), Abbott Tech (7w)
Losses: Xavier, Cheshire, Hillhouse, Daniel Hand, Wheeler, Wilbur Cross, Daniel Hand, Branford, Hillhouse, Wilbur Cross, Xavier
Enfield .450 9 11 62 Wins: E.O. Smith (9w), Glastonbury (13w), Wethersfield (3w), Hartford Pub. (3w), Simsbury (6w), Berlin (8w), Tolland (8w), Avon (4w), S.Windsor (8w)
Losses: Maloney, Brist.East., RHAM, Farmington, Windham, E.Hartford, Southington, Manchester, E.Catholic, Cheney Tech, New Britain
Bullard Havens Tech .450 9 11 59 Wins: Wilcox Tech (5w), Wolcott Tech (11w), Abbott Tech (7w), Wright Tech (0w), Abbott Tech (7w), Kaynor Tech (9w), Wolcott Tech (11w), Whitney Tech (9w), Wright Tech (0w)
Losses: Ffld.Ludlowe, Platt Tech, Sheehan, Norwalk, Kaynor Tech, Branford, Windham Tech, Harding, Platt Tech, O'Brien, Stratford
Remaining: Platt Tech (1/7,13w)
Litchfield .450 9 11 59 Wins: Nonnewaug (17w), East Hampton (11w), Gilbert (0w), Housatonic (3w), Wolcott Tech (11w), Canton (5w), Terryville (9w), Gilbert (0w), Housatonic (3w)
Losses: Terryville, Thomaston, Wamogo, Northwestern, Thomaston, Shepaug, Nonnewaug, Wamogo, Lewis Mills, Northwestern, Shepaug
Terryville .450 9 11 59 Wins: Housatonic (3w), Litchfield (9w), HMTCA (9w), Shepaug (15w), Thomaston (11w), Gilbert (0w), Housatonic (3w), HMTCA (9w), Gilbert (0w)
Losses: Northwestern, Nonnewaug, Wamogo, Northwestern, Litchfield, Shepaug, Thomaston, Nonnewaug, Canton, Wamogo, Goodwin Tech
Remaining: Northwestern (2/26,14w)
E.O. Smith .450 9 11 55 Wins: Stafford (8w), Wethersfield (3w), Rocky Hill (4w), S.Windsor (8w), Ellis Tech (3w), Hartford Pub. (3w), Stafford (8w), S.Windsor (8w), Plainville (10w)
Losses: Maloney, E.Hartford, Enfield, Tolland, Southington, NFA, RHAM, E.Catholic, Manchester, Brist.East., Tolland
Amity .450 9 11 54 Wins: Law (4w), Lyman Hall (1w), Stratford (3w), Lyman Hall (1w), Law (4w), Branford (9w), Wolcott Tech (11w), Wolcott Tech (11w), Pomperaug (10w)
Losses: Branford, Hamden, Daniel Hand, East Haven, West Haven, Career, Hamden, Daniel Hand, East Haven, West Haven, Career
Remaining: Hillhouse (2/22,15w)
Woodland .450 9 11 48 Wins: Oxford (4w), Watertown (2w), Wolcott (1w), WCA (16w), Kennedy (6w), Kaynor Tech (9w), Derby (4w), Oxford (4w), Watertown (2w)
Losses: St.Paul, Ansonia, Torrington, Wilby, Derby, Naugatuck, Plainville, Seymour, Holy Cross, Crosby, Wilby
Capital Prep .450 9 11 46 Wins: Achievement First (1w), Bulkeley (5w), Comp Sci (2w), Libertas Academy (MA) (w), Aerospace (12w), International (3w), Achievement First (1w), University (8w), Classical (14w)
Losses: University, Classical, Simsbury, Brist.Cent., Weaver, Aerospace, Innovation, HMTCA, Bulkeley, Weaver, Amistad
HMTCA .450 9 11 41 Wins: Comp Sci (2w), International (3w), Achievement First (1w), Bulkeley (5w), Capital Prep (9w), Comp Sci (2w), University (8w), International (3w), University (8w)
Losses: Aerospace, Terryville, Innovation, Granby, Classical, Classical, Terryville, Weaver, Aerospace, Innovation, Goodwin Tech
Norwich Tech .429 9 12 62 Wins: Grasso Tech (10w), Ellis Tech (3w), Tourtellotte (11w), Montville (4w), Ellis Tech (3w), Vinal Tech (3w), Prince (5w), Windham Tech (14w), Kaynor Tech (9w)
Losses: Windham Tech, Old Lyme, Goodwin Tech, Putnam, Stafford, Plainfield, Coventry, Grasso Tech, Old Saybrook, Cheney Tech, Plainfield, Tourtellotte
Stratford .429 3 4 12 Wins: McMahon (6w), Barlow (3w), Barlow (3w)
Losses: Bunnell, Amity, Law, Weston
Remaining: Pomperaug (1/8,10w), Harding (1/10,8w), Immaculate (1/12,10w), New.Fair. (1/17,12w), New Milford (1/19,4w), Kolbe (1/23,19w), Newtown (1/26,13w), Brookfield (2/1,12w), Masuk (2/5,11w), Bunnell (2/8,15w), ND-Ffld (2/14,18w), Bethel (2/16,5w), Bull. Havens (2/20,9w)
Waterford .421 8 11 67 Wins: Woodstock (9w), Ledyard (3w), Griswold (12w), Bacon Acad. (8w), Woodstock (9w), Killingly (10w), Windham (8w), Windham (8w)
Losses: St. Bernard, Glastonbury, Berlin, Wheeler, Morgan, East Lyme, Hall, Fitch, East Lyme, Stonington, NFA
Remaining: Ledyard (2/16,3w)
Bacon Academy .421 8 11 60 Wins: Stafford (8w), Putnam (6w), Lyman Mem. (5w), Griswold (12w), Tourtellotte (11w), Putnam (6w), Montville (4w), Plainfield (8w)
Losses: Stonington, Wheeler, RHAM, Montville, Waterford, Killingly, New London, Stonington, Ledyard, Griswold, Woodstock
Remaining: Killingly (2/16,10w)
East Hartford .400 8 12 71 Wins: Lewis Mills (15w), E.O. Smith (9w), RHAM (12w), Simsbury (6w), Enfield (9w), S.Windsor (8w), Brist.Cent. (4w), Tolland (8w)
Losses: Middletown, NFA, New London, Manchester, Xavier, E.Catholic, RHAM, Bloomfield, Farmington, Hall, Newington, Manchester
Windham .400 8 12 64 Wins: Ledyard (3w), Griswold (12w), Enfield (9w), Woodstock (9w), Ledyard (3w), Windham Tech (14w), Lyman Mem. (5w), Woodstock (9w)
Losses: Brookfield, Fitch, NFA, Griswold, Manchester, St. Bernard, Waterford, New London, East Lyme, Waterford, Killingly, NFA
Stafford .400 8 12 61 Wins: Rocky Hill (4w), Norwich Tech (9w), East Windsor (12w), Somers (13w), Rocky Hill (4w), Bolton (1w), Canton (5w), Somers (13w)
Losses: E.O. Smith, Bacon Acad., Granby, East Granby, Ellington, Rockville, E.O. Smith, Coventry, RHAM, SMSA, Suffield, Wind.Locks
Berlin .400 8 12 56 Wins: Hartford Pub. (3w), Plainville (10w), Waterford (8w), Maloney (8w), Avon (4w), Rocky Hill (4w), Brist.East. (16w), Wethersfield (3w)
Losses: Glastonbury, Xavier, Southington, Lewis Mills, Enfield, Brist.Cent., Farmington, Brist.East., Platt, Maloney, New Britain, Middletown
Maloney .400 8 12 56 Wins: Enfield (9w), E.O. Smith (9w), Avon (4w), Cheshire (3w), Sheehan (10w), Plainville (10w), Berlin (8w), Wethersfield (3w)
Losses: Brist.Cent., Berlin, Southington, Brist.East., Plainville, Brist.East., New Britain, Glastonbury, Middletown, Platt, Lewis Mills, Platt
Greenwich .400 8 12 55 Wins: Ffld.Prep (4w), Bassick (3w), Bridg.Central (1w), Danbury (13w), Stamford (15w), Bassick (3w), Westhill (3w), Ffld.Warde (13w)
Losses: Bunnell, McMahon, Newtown, Ffld.Ludlowe, St. Joseph, Wilton, New Canaan, Staples, Trumbull, Darien, Ridgefield, Norwalk
South Windsor .400 8 12 53 Wins: Achievement First (1w), Hartford Pub. (3w), Hale Ray (7w), Rocky Hill (4w), Wind.Locks (14w), Tolland (8w), Libertas Academy (MA) (w), Brist.East. (16w)
Losses: New Britain, E.Catholic, Aerospace, Plainville, E.O. Smith, E.Hartford, Glastonbury, Tolland, E.O. Smith, Manchester, RHAM, Enfield
Plainfield .400 8 12 50 Wins: Ellis Tech (3w), Griswold (12w), Comp Sci (2w), Lyman Mem. (5w), Norwich Tech (9w), Montville (4w), Putnam (6w), Norwich Tech (9w)
Losses: Putnam, Tourtellotte, Woodstock, Wheeler, Montville, Tourtellotte, Killingly, Lyman Mem., Stonington, Bacon Acad., Griswold, Wheeler
Tolland .400 8 12 48 Wins: Hartford Pub. (3w), E.O. Smith (9w), Libertas Academy (MA) (w), Wethersfield (3w), S.Windsor (8w), Amistad (6w), Plainville (10w), E.O. Smith (9w)
Losses: Glastonbury, Manchester, RHAM, Brist.East., E.Catholic, Suffield, Enfield, New Britain, S.Windsor, E.Hartford, Somers, Rocky Hill
New Canaan .400 8 12 43 Wins: Weston (13w), Bethel (5w), Shelton (3w), Greenwich (8w), Darien (7w), Westhill (3w), Ledyard (3w), Bridg.Central (1w)
Losses: Brookfield, Danbury, Staples, Norwalk, Ffld.Ludlowe, Ffld.Warde, Wilton, Stamford, McMahon, St. Joseph, Trumbull, Ridgefield
Harding .400 8 12 33 Wins: Wright Tech (0w), Darien (7w), Stratford (3w), Bull. Havens (9w), Bridg.Central (1w), Valley Reg. (4w), Bassick (3w), Amistad (6w)
Losses: Ffld.Warde, McMahon, Trumbull, Weston, Immaculate, Seymour, Career, Fitch, Wilby, Shepaug, New Britain, Career
University .400 8 12 30 Wins: Capital Prep (9w), Bulkeley (5w), Achievement First (1w), International (3w), International (3w), Bulkeley (5w), Achievement First (1w), Ellis Tech (3w)
Losses: Weaver, Classical, Innovation, Comp Sci, Aerospace, Weaver, HMTCA, Capital Prep, Classical, Wilcox Tech, Goodwin Tech, HMTCA
Bloomfield .368 7 12 61 Wins: WCA (16w), Newington (11w), Wethersfield (3w), Hartford Pub. (3w), Rocky Hill (4w), Weaver (16w), E.Hartford (8w)
Losses: Barrington (RI), New London, NW Catholic, E.Catholic, Windsor, Platt, New Britain, Newington, Lewis Mills, Farmington, Conard, Windsor
Remaining: New London (12/29,16w), Middletown (2/20,10w)
Amistad .353 6 11 42 Wins: Whitney Tech (9w), Achievement First (1w), Bassick (3w), St. Joseph (11w), Whitney Tech (9w), Capital Prep (9w)
Losses: Bunnell, Stamford, Trumbull, Hamden, McMahon, Naugatuck, Tolland, NW Catholic, Coventry, East Lyme, Bunnell
Remaining: Naugatuck (2/7,10w), Platt (2/14,6w), Harding (2/23,8w)
Abbott Tech .350 7 13 40 Wins: O'Brien (4w), Wright Tech (0w), Kaynor Tech (9w), Wolcott Tech (11w), Wright Tech (0w), Wilcox Tech (5w), Wolcott Tech (11w)
Losses: Ridgefield, Immaculate, Brookfield, Classical, Bull. Havens, Whitney Tech, Platt Tech, Bull. Havens, New Milford, Kaynor Tech, New.Fair., Immaculate, Guilford
Darien .350 7 13 39 Wins: Bethel (5w), Bassick (3w), Westhill (3w), Bridg.Central (1w), Greenwich (8w), Ffld.Warde (13w), McMahon (6w)
Losses: Harding, Newtown, Masuk, Norwalk, Wilton, Stamford, St. Joseph, Staples, Trumbull, New Canaan, Danbury, Ffld.Ludlowe, Ridgefield
Hale Ray .350 7 13 36 Wins: Old Saybrook (5w), Portland (7w), Westbrook (1w), N.Branford (5w), Old Saybrook (5w), Coginchaug (12w), Westbrook (1w)
Losses: Old Lyme, N.Branford, Wethersfield, Coginchaug, East Hampton, Putnam, S.Windsor, Cromwell, Valley Reg., Morgan, Old Lyme, Portland, H-K
Portland .350 7 13 28 Wins: Westbrook (1w), Old Saybrook (5w), Valley Reg. (4w), N.Branford (5w), Hale Ray (7w), Westbrook (1w), Old Saybrook (5w)
Losses: Old Lyme, Guilford, Coginchaug, Hale Ray, Ellington, Cromwell, Middletown, East Hampton, H-K, Morgan, Old Lyme, Coginchaug, Conard
East Granby .350 7 13 23 Wins: Achievement First (1w), Bolton (1w), Canton (5w), Stafford (8w), Bolton (1w), Comp Sci (2w), Bulkeley (5w)
Losses: Somers, East Windsor, Plainville, Suffield, Wind.Locks, Ellington, Somers, Rockville, Coventry, East Windsor, Granby, SMSA, Aerospace
Platt .333 6 12 43 Wins: Plainville (10w), Brist.Cent. (4w), Bloomfield (7w), Maloney (8w), Berlin (8w), Amistad (6w)
Losses: Manchester, Brist.East., Wilton, Daniel Hand, Windsor, Middletown, Simsbury, NW Catholic, E.Catholic, Lewis Mills, Middletown, Farmington
Remaining: Conard (2/16,15w), Maloney (2/20,8w)
Brien McMahon .333 6 12 34 Wins: Harding (8w), Amistad (6w), Greenwich (8w), Westhill (3w), New Canaan (8w), Bridg.Central (1w)
Losses: Stratford, Weston, Norwalk, Stamford, Staples, Trumbull, Danbury, Ffld.Ludlowe, Ridgefield, Norwalk, St. Joseph, Wilton
Remaining: Norwalk (12/27,10w), Ffld.Warde (2/19,13w), Darien (2/21,7w)
Simsbury .300 6 14 56 Wins: Capital Prep (9w), Brist.East. (16w), Avon (4w), Platt (6w), Granby (10w), Hall (11w)
Losses: Manchester, Conard, Farmington, Hall, E.Hartford, NW Catholic, Enfield, Lewis Mills, Newington, Conard, Southington, RHAM, Brist.Cent., Glastonbury
Putnam .300 6 14 42 Wins: Ellis Tech (3w), Plainfield (8w), Norwich Tech (9w), Hale Ray (7w), Killingly (10w), Lyman Mem. (5w)
Losses: Wheeler, Montville, Bacon Acad., Tourtellotte, Lyman Mem., Stonington, Plainfield, Wheeler, Griswold, Bacon Acad., Tourtellotte, Ledyard, Grasso Tech, Old Lyme
Kennedy .300 6 14 23 Wins: Oxford (4w), Derby (4w), Watertown (2w), Wolcott (1w), Wolcott (1w), Ansonia (11w)
Losses: Wilby, WCA, Holy Cross, Torrington, St.Paul, Naugatuck, Ansonia, Woodland, Crosby, Seymour, Kolbe, St.Paul, Weaver, Seymour
Avon .267 4 11 17 Wins: Wethersfield (3w), Rocky Hill (4w), Bulkeley (5w), Prince (5w)
Losses: Hall, Simsbury, Berlin, Maloney, Glastonbury, Cheney Tech, New Britain, Cromwell, Southington, NW Catholic, Farmington
Remaining: Glastonbury (2/8,13w), Conard (2/9,15w), Rockville (2/12,12w), Southington (2/15,17w), Enfield (2/16,9w)
Prince Tech .263 5 14 19 Wins: Vinal Tech (3w), Achievement First (1w), Ellis Tech (3w), Whitney Tech (9w), Vinal Tech (3w)
Losses: West Haven, Grasso Tech, SMSA, Goodwin Tech, New Britain, Cheney Tech, Middletown, Bassick, Goodwin Tech, Cheney Tech, Avon, Windham Tech, Norwich Tech, Wilbur Cross
Remaining: Eastside (NJ) (1/7,w)
Wilcox Tech .263 5 14 18 Wins: Ellis Tech (3w), Housatonic (3w), O'Brien (4w), Wright Tech (0w), University (8w)
Losses: Bull. Havens, Goodwin Tech, Kaynor Tech, Whitney Tech, Lyman Hall, Platt Tech, Wolcott Tech, O'Brien, Windham Tech, Platt Tech, Abbott Tech, Kaynor Tech, Sheehan, Whitney Tech
Remaining: N.Branford (2/20,5w)
Canton .250 5 15 43 Wins: Grasso Tech (10w), Bolton (1w), Rockville (12w), Wolcott Tech (11w), Terryville (9w)
Losses: East Hampton, Rocky Hill, Lewis Mills, Wamogo, East Granby, Coventry, Litchfield, Wind.Locks, Ellington, Suffield, East Windsor, SMSA, Somers, Stafford, Granby
Bethel .250 5 15 30 Wins: New Milford (4w), Westhill (3w), Barlow (3w), Masuk (11w), Whitney Tech (9w)
Losses: Darien, Ffld.Ludlowe, New Canaan, Newtown, Brookfield, Kolbe, Barlow, ND-Ffld, New.Fair., Pomperaug, New Milford, Weston, Immaculate, Bunnell, Stratford
Lyman Memorial .250 5 15 20 Wins: Bolton (1w), Putnam (6w), Montville (4w), Plainfield (8w), Westbrook (1w)
Losses: Tourtellotte, Ellington, Stonington, Coventry, Killingly, Plainfield, Wheeler, Windham, Bacon Acad., Tourtellotte, Grasso Tech, Killingly, Wheeler, Windham Tech, Putnam
North Branford .250 5 15 17 Wins: Hale Ray (7w), Westbrook (1w), Valley Reg. (4w), Wright Tech (0w), Wilcox Tech (5w)
Losses: Valley Reg., Coginchaug, Cromwell, H-K, Morgan, East Hampton, Hale Ray, Coginchaug, Portland, Cromwell, H-K, Morgan, East Hampton, Old Saybrook, Old Lyme
Bulkeley .250 5 15 16 Wins: Achievement First (1w), International (3w), Comp Sci (2w), Capital Prep (9w), Achievement First (1w)
Losses: Classical, Weaver, University, Hartford Pub., Windham Tech, Capital Prep, Innovation, Avon, Aerospace, HMTCA, Innovation, Classical, Weaver, University, East Granby
Old Saybrook .250 5 15 16 Wins: Westbrook (1w), (w), Norwich Tech (9w), N.Branford (5w), Westbrook (1w)
Losses: Hale Ray, Coginchaug, Morgan, Branford, Old Lyme, Portland, , , H-K, Cromwell, Hale Ray, Coginchaug, Old Lyme, Portland
Montville .235 4 13 23 Wins: Putnam (6w), Bolton (1w), Bacon Acad. (8w), Plainfield (8w)
Losses: Killingly, Hall, Stonington, East Lyme, Griswold, Plainfield, East Lyme, Killingly, Stonington, Norwich Tech, Lyman Mem., Griswold, Tourtellotte
Remaining: Bacon Acad. (2/9,8w), Ledyard (2/14,3w), Old Lyme (2/15,15w)
Ledyard .231 3 10 17 Wins: Griswold (12w), Cape Code Academy (MA) (w), Old Saybrook (5w)
Losses: Windham, East Lyme, Fitch, New Britain, Waterford, Stonington, Windham, Wheeler, Woodstock, NFA
Remaining: Bacon Acad. (2/2,8w), New London (2/6,16w), Woodstock (2/8,9w), New Canaan (2/10,8w), Putnam (2/12,6w), Montville (2/14,4w), Waterford (2/16,8w)
Bassick .231 3 10 9 Wins: Westhill (3w), Prince (5w), Bridg.Central (1w)
Losses: Darien, Wilton, Ffld.Warde, Greenwich, Masuk, St. Joseph, Bridg.Central, Amistad, New Britain, Harding
Remaining: Fitch (1/6,13w), ND-Ffld (1/12,18w), Newtown (2/3,13w), New London (2/14,16w), Greenwich (2/15,8w), Staples (2/16,15w)
Valley Regional .222 4 14 25 Wins: N.Branford (5w), Coginchaug (12w), Westbrook (1w), Hale Ray (7w)
Losses: New Milford, East Hampton, Cromwell, H-K, Morgan, Portland, Old Lyme, New.Fair., Old Saybrook, N.Branford, East Hampton, Cromwell, H-K, Morgan
Remaining: Fitch (2/14,13w), Harding (2/16,8w)
O'Brien Tech .211 4 15 14 Wins: Gilbert (0w), Wilcox Tech (5w), Wright Tech (0w), Bull. Havens (9w)
Losses: Thomaston, Abbott Tech, Wolcott Tech, Platt Tech, Wilcox Tech, Whitney Tech, Kaynor Tech, Ansonia, Platt Tech, Vinal Tech, Derby, Oxford, Wolcott Tech, Whitney Tech, Vinal Tech
Remaining: Nonnewaug (2/20,17w)
Jonathan Law .200 4 16 38 Wins: Stratford (3w), East Haven (15w), Career (10w), Career (10w)
Losses: Amity, Foran, Trumbull, SMSA, Xavier, Pomperaug, Hillhouse, Daniel Hand, Foran, Amity, East Haven, Xavier, Guilford, Guilford, Daniel Hand, Hillhouse
Bristol Central .200 4 16 31 Wins: Maloney (8w), Capital Prep (9w), Berlin (8w), Simsbury (6w)
Losses: RHAM, E.Catholic, Brist.East., Middletown, Lewis Mills, Newington, Platt, Xavier, Hall, E.Hartford, Southington, Plainville, Lewis Mills, NW Catholic, Manchester, Brist.East.
New Milford .200 4 16 30 Wins: Wheeler (14w), Valley Reg. (4w), Bethel (5w), Abbott Tech (7w)
Losses: Shelton, Bethel, Barlow, Brookfield, Weston, Barlow, Pomperaug, Stratford, Newtown, Masuk, Bunnell, ND-Ffld, New.Fair., Cheshire, Immaculate, Kolbe
Fairfield Prep .200 4 16 28 Wins: North Haven (12w), Lyman Hall (1w), Lyman Hall (1w), West Haven (14w)
Losses: Greenwich, Xavier, Ffld.Ludlowe, Ffld.Warde, Wilbur Cross, West Haven, ND-WH, Daniel Hand, Hillhouse, New London, Xavier, North Haven, Wilbur Cross, ND-WH, Daniel Hand, Hillhouse
Derby .200 4 16 19 Wins: Woodland (9w), Oxford (4w), Watertown (2w), O'Brien (4w)
Losses: Torrington, Kennedy, East Haven, Crosby, Wilby, Seymour, Ansonia, St.Paul, Holy Cross, WCA, Wolcott, Naugatuck, Woodland, Oxford, Watertown, Wilby
Rocky Hill .200 4 16 19 Wins: Canton (5w), Wethersfield (3w), Hartford Pub. (3w), Tolland (8w)
Losses: Stafford, Avon, E.O. Smith, Brist.East., Newington, Wethersfield, Berlin, Plainville, S.Windsor, Stafford, Bloomfield, Brist.East., Classical, Windsor, Hartford Pub., New Britain
Oxford .200 4 16 11 Wins: Wolcott (1w), O'Brien (4w), Derby (4w), Watertown (2w)
Losses: Kennedy, St.Paul, WCA, Woodland, Nonnewaug, Derby, Watertown, Seymour, Naugatuck, Crosby, Torrington, Wilby, Holy Cross, Ansonia, Woodland, Wilby
Cheshire .176 3 14 22 Wins: Career (10w), Guilford (9w), Shelton (3w)
Losses: Wilbur Cross, Newington, North Haven, Sheehan, Maloney, Branford, East Haven, Southington, Career, Wilbur Cross, Guilford, North Haven, Sheehan, Branford
Remaining: New Milford (2/10,4w), Shelton (2/14,3w), East Haven (2/16,15w)
International .158 3 16 4 Wins: Achievement First (1w), Comp Sci (2w), Achievement First (1w)
Losses: Aerospace, Coventry, Innovation, Comp Sci, East Windsor, HMTCA, University, University, Bulkeley, Classical, Capital Prep, Weaver, Aerospace, Innovation, HMTCA, H-K
Watertown .154 2 11 5 Wins: Wolcott (1w), Oxford (4w)
Losses: WCA, Torrington, Holy Cross, Ansonia, Wilby, Woodland, St.Paul, Kennedy, Derby, Naugatuck, Crosby
Remaining: Seymour (1/30,14w), Wilby (2/7,16w), Nonnewaug (2/8,17w), Brist.East. (2/10,16w), Oxford (2/12,4w), Derby (2/16,4w), Woodland (2/20,9w)
Shelton .150 3 17 17 Wins: New Milford (4w), Sheehan (10w), Cheshire (3w)
Losses: Masuk, ND-WH, New Canaan, Xavier, East Haven, Sheehan, Hamden, Cheshire, North Haven, Foran, ND-WH, Xavier, East Haven, Foran, Hamden, North Haven, New.Fair.
Wethersfield .150 3 17 14 Wins: Hale Ray (7w), Rocky Hill (4w), Hartford Pub. (3w)
Losses: Avon, Wind.Locks, Bloomfield, E.O. Smith, Rocky Hill, New Britain, Enfield, Tolland, Berlin, Granby, Southington, New Britain, Plainville, Newington, Windsor, Glastonbury, Maloney
Joel Barlow .150 3 17 13 Wins: New Milford (4w), New Milford (4w), Bethel (5w)
Losses: Westhill, Ffld.Ludlowe, Trumbull, Stratford, Stratford, Brookfield, Kolbe, Bethel, Pomperaug, ND-Ffld, Immaculate, Newtown, New.Fair., Bunnell, Weston, Brookfield, Masuk
Vinal Tech .150 3 17 11 Wins: O'Brien (4w), Ellis Tech (3w), O'Brien (4w)
Losses: Kaynor Tech, Ellis Tech, Windham Tech, Prince, Cheney Tech, H-K, Goodwin Tech, Windham Tech, Lewis Mills, Grasso Tech, Wolcott Tech, Cheney Tech, Goodwin Tech, Grasso Tech, Norwich Tech, Wolcott Tech, Prince
Hartford Public .150 3 17 10 Wins: Bulkeley (5w), Achievement First (1w), Rocky Hill (4w)
Losses: Tolland, Berlin, New Britain, New.Fair., Southington, Windsor, S.Windsor, Cheney Tech, Bloomfield, Enfield, E.O. Smith, Weaver, Brist.East., Newington, Rocky Hill, Plainville, Wethersfield
Ellis Tech .150 3 17 6 Wins: Vinal Tech (3w), Ellis Tech (3w), Fishers Island (NY) (w)
Losses: Plainfield, Putnam, Wilcox Tech, Tourtellotte, Grasso Tech, Windham Tech, Norwich Tech, E.O. Smith, Grasso Tech, Cheney Tech, Windham Tech, Vinal Tech, Norwich Tech, Prince, Goodwin Tech, Tourtellotte, University
Remaining: Comp Sci (12/27,2w)
Westhill .150 3 17 4 Wins: Barlow (3w), Wright Tech (0w), Bridg.Central (1w)
Losses: Ridgefield, Trumbull, Bethel, Darien, Bassick, Danbury, Ffld.Ludlowe, Ffld.Warde, McMahon, Norwalk, Stamford, St. Joseph, New Canaan, Weston, Wilton, Greenwich, Staples
Housatonic Regional .150 3 17 0 Wins: Gilbert (0w), Gilbert (0w), Mt. Everett (MA) (w)
Losses: Terryville, Nonnewaug, East Windsor, Wolcott Tech, Wamogo, Wilcox Tech, Litchfield, Northwestern, Shepaug, Thomaston, Terryville, Nonnewaug, Wamogo, Litchfield, Northwestern, Shepaug, Thomaston
Comp Sci .105 2 17 11 Wins: International (3w), University (8w)
Losses: HMTCA, Plainfield, Aerospace, Innovation, East Windsor, Capital Prep, Weaver, East Granby, Bulkeley, Achievement First, HMTCA, International, Aerospace, Innovation, Goodwin Tech, H-K, Classical
Wolcott .077 1 12 9 Wins: Kaynor Tech (9w)
Losses: Seymour, St.Paul, Watertown, Oxford, Naugatuck, Holy Cross, Crosby, Woodland, Wilby, WCA, Kennedy, Ansonia
Remaining: Derby (1/30,4w), Torrington (2/2,11w), Kennedy (2/6,6w), Ansonia (2/14,11w), Seymour (2/16,14w), St.Paul (2/20,13w), Nonnewaug (2/22,17w)
Bolton .053 1 18 0 Wins: Libertas Academy (MA) (w)
Losses: East Windsor, East Granby, Grasso Tech, Montville, Canton, Coventry, Lyman Mem., Windham Tech, Rockville, East Windsor, Wind.Locks, Ellington, SMSA, Suffield, Somers, Stafford, Granby, Coventry
Remaining: East Granby (1/18,7w)
Lyman Hall .050 1 19 5 Wins: Wilcox Tech (5w)
Losses: Foran, Amity, Sheehan, Coginchaug, Ffld.Prep, North Haven, Hillhouse, Career, West Haven, Amity, Sheehan, Foran, Ffld.Prep, Platt Tech, North Haven, East Haven, Hillhouse, Career, West Haven
Bridgeport Central .050 1 19 3 Wins: Bassick (3w)
Losses: New.Fair., Weston, Ffld.Ludlowe, Ridgefield, Stamford, Ffld.Warde, Greenwich, Trumbull, St. Joseph, Darien, Staples, Wilton, Bassick, McMahon, New Canaan, Westhill, Harding, Danbury, Norwalk
Westbrook .050 1 19 0 Wins: Wright Tech (0w)
Losses: Coginchaug, Old Saybrook, Old Lyme, Whitney Tech, Portland, Hale Ray, H-K, Valley Reg., Morgan, East Hampton, N.Branford, Coginchaug, Old Lyme, Lyman Mem., Portland, Cromwell, Hale Ray, East Windsor, Old Saybrook
Achievement First .048 1 20 2 Wins: Comp Sci (2w)
Losses: Capital Prep, Wind.Locks, Classical, East Granby, Weaver, S.Windsor, University, Bulkeley, Amistad, HMTCA, Hartford Pub., International, Aerospace, Prince, Innovation, Capital Prep, Classical, Weaver, University, Bulkeley
Remaining: International (2/16,3w)
Gilbert .000 0 9 0 Losses: East Windsor, Wamogo, Housatonic, O'Brien, Litchfield, Northwestern, Shepaug, Thomaston, Terryville
Remaining: Ansonia (1/18,11w), Nonnewaug (1/22,17w), Wamogo (1/25,13w), Housatonic (1/26,3w), Litchfield (1/30,9w), Northwestern (2/2,14w), Shepaug (2/6,15w), Thomaston (2/9,11w), Terryville (2/15,9w), Seymour (2/19,14w), Nonnewaug (2/21,17w)
Wright Tech .000 0 20 0 Losses: Harding, Westhill, Platt Tech, Kaynor Tech, Manchester, Westbrook, Foran, Abbott Tech, Wolcott Tech, Wilcox Tech, Whitney Tech, Bull. Havens, Weston, Abbott Tech, Kaynor Tech, Wolcott Tech, Platt Tech, O'Brien, Bull. Havens, N.Branford